




唐伯虎从容地拿起他的笔架,上面挂着一支笔,他对恶龙说道:“我是画家的,我可以用我的笔来画你,你如果愿意,可以让我将你的形象捕捉下来。”evil dragon was fascinated by this idea, and it agreed to let Tang Bohu paint it.

Tang Bohu quickly sketched the dragon on a piece of paper. He was so skillful that he captured the dragon's fierce expression perfectly. The evil dragon looked at its own reflection in the paper and was so impressed with Tang Bohu's skill that it decided to spare his life.

The story goes that from then on, Tang Bohu continued to travel through the mountains and valleys, painting beautiful landscapes and portraits. People admired him for his talent and bravery, but they also remembered him as a man who had defeated an evil spirit with nothing but his brush and ink.

This story is not only about a famous artist's encounter with a mythical creature; it also tells us about courage, wisdom, and creativity. It is an inspiring tale for children of all ages, especially for those in fourth grade who are learning about Chinese history and culture.

So next time you hear someone talk about ancient heroes or mythical creatures, remember Tang Bohu's incredible journey with the evil dragon!

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