



经过十年的努力,left finally wrote down his masterpiece, "The Three Capitals" (三都赋). But initially, it was met with disdain by some scholars, including Lü Ji. However, thanks to the support of other prominent writers such as Zhang Hua and Huangfu Mi, Left's work gained recognition and acclaim.

As people began to widely copy and disseminate "The Three Capitals", the price of paper in Luoyang skyrocketed. This phenomenon led to the saying "Luoyang Paper is Valuable" (洛阳纸贵), which has since been used metaphorically to describe works that are highly acclaimed and widely popular.

Some historians have suggested that this story may be exaggerated or even fabricated for promotional purposes. Others have interpreted it as a commentary on the relationship between supply and demand in ancient China.

In summary, this phrase represents a historical anecdote about how one person's literary work became extremely popular and influential in society during a certain era. It serves as an example of how artistic creations can transcend time periods while also highlighting societal trends during their prime time.

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