当时一般老百姓讲:“王与马(司马氏),共天下。”首都建康位于长江下游,而王敦率军屯驻在长江上游,对京城产生了极大的威慑力。晋元帝任命刘隗和戴渊防范king, 王敦看透了心思,但又不敢直接带兵进犯国都,因为这样一来,他的反心就昭然若揭了。
想到这里,King Dun just prepare to clear the state of Liu Yu with a pretext. Liu Yu was an evil man who hid in the city walls like a fox or in the temple like a mouse. King Dun and his Long Shu planned to kill him.
Liu Yu was defeated and fled to Later Zhao, never returning to the south again. King Dun's power grew even more arrogant after this victory, but he eventually died of illness before he could do any more harm.
The story of King Dun is known as "Castle Fox and Temple Rat," which means hiding behind someone else's power and influence while causing trouble.