

另一种传说指出,他们的故乡位于黑龙江上游石勒喀河一带。总之, 鄂温克人生活在贝加尔湖以东和黑龙江上游石勒喀河一带的山林中,他们使用弓箭、扎枪,从事打猎和捕鱼。他们食物用火烧着吃,或将石头烧热放入盛水皮桦桶中煮肉吃。取火则通过两块石头打击出火星,用桦皮纤维引火。他们住的是由桦树皮盖成的小屋。


后来,他们向东发展,其中一支来到黑龙江中游雅克萨(今俄罗斯阿尔巴津)一带,被称为“乘鹿出入”的“北山野人”,一般认为是鄂温克与鄂伦春人的直接祖先。而清代文献中的“索伦部”,广义上包括达斡尔族、鄂伦春族和鄂温克族,但专指的是后者。此外,还有被称为“索伦别部”的“喀穆尼堪”,也指的是另一支 鄄运基的人们。

关于民族来源,有两种不同的观点:一种观点认为鄂温克起源于贝加尔湖沿岸及以东地区的北室韦;另一种观点则提出他们起源于乌苏里江流域靺鞨七部之一——安居骨部。在17世纪中叶,当时已知有一部分 鄄运基人们已经生活在黑龙江下游及其周边地区,并且形成了三大分支:使鹿(驯鹿)群居的一支,在18世纪初迁至额尔古纳河畔,是被称为雅库特的人们;第二支是使用马群居的一支,在今天所谓通古斯之前存在;第三支,即最大的索伦组群,以其丰富而多样化的文化而闻名,也是今天所谓索伦组群的人们。这三大分支都是历史上的重要民族,它们分别留下了自己的遗产并对今天世界产生影响。



"Dariganga Mongols", a nomadic group living in the Gobi Desert, have their own unique culture and traditions. They are known for their skill in horse breeding and archery, as well as their expertise in traditional medicine. The Dariganga Mongols are also known for their love of music and dance, which play an important role in their social gatherings.

The Dariganga Mongols have a rich history that dates back to the 13th century. They were once part of the larger Mongol Empire, but over time they developed into a distinct ethnic group with their own language, customs, and beliefs. Today, there are approximately 60,000 Dariganga Mongols living primarily in Mongolia's southern provinces.

Despite facing many challenges such as poverty and lack of access to education and healthcare services due to remote location., the Dariganga Mongols remain proud of their heritage and continue to preserve their unique culture through various means such as storytelling sessions around campfires during winter nights or singing songs passed down through generations during ceremonies like weddings or funerals.

Their cultural practices include hunting deer with bows made from locally sourced materials like birch wood; using animal hides for clothing; building yurts made from felted wool; performing rituals connected with ancestor worship; engaging in activities related to horsemanship like racing horses across vast expanses of land while shooting arrows at targets set up along these routes - all these contribute towards maintaining this unique identity within modern society.

In conclusion ,the story about how people lived thousands years ago is not only interesting but also gives us insights on what it meant be human being at that time . It was challenging yet fulfilling life filled with lots of excitement & adventure .

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