








在15世纪末到16世纪初期,天主教会面临着多重问题。其权威性受到质疑,它所代表的大型社会阶层结构也开始动摇。在这种情况下,一位来自小镇牧师家庭的小-town priest Martin Luther, who was deeply troubled by the sale of indulgences and the corruption within the Church, began to question its authority.


Luther's Ninety-Five Theses challenged certain aspects of Catholic doctrine and practice, specifically targeting the corrupt practices of selling indulgences. This act sparked a massive wave of protests against the Church in Germany and beyond.


On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed his "Ninety-Five Theses" to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. These were not intended as an attack on Christianity but rather as an attempt to reform it from within. The response was overwhelming; copies spread throughout Europe like wildfire.


The reaction from Rome was swift: condemnation and excommunication for Luther. However, public opinion was divided. Many saw him as a hero fighting for truth against corruption while others viewed him with suspicion or even hostility.

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In June of that year (1520), Pope Leo X issued a papal bull condemning Luther's views and calling for his arrest. In response to this threat, Frederick III—the Elector of Saxony—publicly defended Luther's right to free speech and protected him from persecution until he could find refuge in Wartburg Castle.


Frederick III had much at stake here; he wanted control over religious affairs within his own territory.

He sought alliances with Protestant leaders that would strengthen his position vis-a-vis other European monarchs.

By supporting Martin Luther,

he demonstrated defiance towards Rome,

which bolstered his reputation among German nobles,

and helped establish Saxon independence vis-a-vis Rome.


As time went on,

Martin became increasingly disenchanted with some elements among fellow Protestants.

Disputes arose between them over matters such as sacraments (e.g., Communion) or justification (the process by which one achieves salvation).

This led eventually to multiple factions emerging:

Lutherans maintained their loyalty toward Martin;

Calvinists emerged under John Calvin;

Zwinglians followed Huldrych Zwingli;

Anabaptists rejected infant baptism altogether;


At these conferences held in Nuremberg (1532) and Augsburg (1530),

Protestant denominations attempted negotiations with Roman Catholics about establishing common ground.

However both meetings failed due largely because they refused any compromise regarding fundamental issues such as transubstantiation during Communion or justification through faith alone:

**Augsburg Agreement** - A temporary settlement allowing Lutheran worship but did not address all key points nor fully resolve differences between parties involved:

* It allowed Protestants freedom to hold their beliefs so long they didn't interfere too greatly with mainstream society norms.

* It provided limited tolerance for religion diversity across different regions inside Holy Roman Empire territories,

Thus ended attempts at dialogue between religions — leaving two main branches: Catholicism & Protestantism.


Though ultimately unsuccessful in creating lasting peace between various Christian groups,

Martin’s actions played crucial roles shaping future generations’ perceptions about faith institutions along political structures leading up into modern times after many centuries since then have passed without end yet still affecting contemporary societies today worldwide…

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