随后,窝阔台继续参与父亲的西征。他协助术赤和察合泰围困玉龙杰赤,在兄弟间调解矛盾,并以严整的军纪统一指挥ultimately breached the city walls. The city was razed, and its inhabitants were either killed or enslaved.
After the fall of Jalalabad, Chagatai Khan (Chaghatai) and Ögedei Khan (Ögödei) continued their campaign against the Khwarezmid Empire. In 1224, Genghis Khan personally led a raid into India across the Indus River, forcing Shah Muhammad II to flee.
Throughout his life, Möngke Khan demonstrated his martial prowess and strategic thinking. He played a crucial role in expanding Mongol territories beyond Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Under his rule, trade flourished between East Asia and Europe through the Silk Road.
Möngke's reign also saw significant advancements in governance. He established a system of provincial administration that allowed for more efficient taxation and military mobilization. His reforms helped strengthen the Mongol Empire's economy and military power.
Despite his achievements as emperor, Möngke faced opposition from some members of his family who resented him for usurping power from other branches of the royal family. However, he remained steadfast in pursuing Genghis Khan's vision for a unified empire under one ruler.
Möngke died on August 11th or 8th month lunar calendar year during an expedition against Japan in 1251 at age around 56-57 years old while preparing to launch an invasion of Japan which would have been called "Bù lǐ zhì" meaning "Invasion by Sea".