然而,在大力英雄赫拉克勒斯完成人间十二项伟业中的第十一项任务时,他成功地夺取了这些神秘的金苹果。他通过与河神涅柔斯交谈,以及帮助普罗米修斯解放,从高加索山释放普罗米修斯,然后向提坦阿特拉斯借用他的肩膀来取回这些珍贵的果实。最终,在阿特拉斯暂时承担起背负天穹的重任后,赫拉克勒斯特olen away the apples, leaving Atlas to carry the weight of the sky once more.
再次出现于人类历史舞台的是在帕琉司与忒提丝成婚典礼上的争夺战。当所有众神都受邀参加此次盛会,而嫉妒心重的小仙子厄里克斯却未能获得邀请,她愤怒至极,将一个装有“给予最美者”的金苹果投掷到宾客间。因此,三位 goddesses — Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite — each claimed the apple as their own, leading to a fierce dispute that would ultimately lead to the Trojan War. Zeus intervened by appointing Paris as judge of who should receive the apple. Each goddess offered him something in exchange for his vote: Hera promised him dominion over Asia Minor; Athena vowed wisdom; while Aphrodite pledged her love and beauty. In this case, Paris chose Aphrodite's gift and awarded her the apple.
The anger of Hera and Athena towards Paris was so intense that they swore vengeance upon all Trojans. This incident served as a catalyst for one of history's most epic wars - The Trojan War - where Paris' abduction of Helen from Sparta sparked off a chain reaction that shook civilizations across Europe.
Thus begins an enchanting tale about gold apples - how they captivated gods and mortals alike with their irresistible allurement, only to become entangled in conflicts that shaped history forevermore.