根据史书记载,大约在2700多年的春秋时代,一位名叫郑武王姬掘突的人建立了郑国,他迎娶申女武姜,为夫妇生下两个儿子,其中一个就是后来的郑庄公,而另一个则是叔叔段。他因嫉妒而夺取王位,但被郑庄公预防,被迫远逃河南地区,不再使用原来的姓氏“姬”,改姓为“段”。这便是segmentation of the segment family.
Segmentation of the Segment Family in China
The story of the Segment family is one that spans thousands of years, and it is a story that has been passed down through generations. The family's origins can be traced back to the ancient state of Zheng, which was established by King Wu Ding in 1046 BCE. The king's wife, Wu Jiang, gave birth to two sons: Zhuang Gong and Shu Zhang.
Zhuang Gong went on to become the king of Zheng after his father's death, while Shu Zhang fled to the region now known as Henan Province. He changed his surname from "Ji" (the original surname of the royal house) to "Shen," and founded a new lineage called Shen.
Over time, this lineage became known as Segmentaion (also spelled Segmentation), and its members were referred to as Segments or Segmented individuals. They were known for their bravery and martial prowess, and many went on to become important figures in Chinese history.
One such figure was Shen Zhaojun (also spelled Zhongjun), who lived during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). He was a brilliant military strategist who played an important role in defeating foreign invaders during this period. Another notable figure was Shen Xiangruo (), who served as a high-ranking official under Emperor Taizong () during his reign from 626-649 CE.
In addition to these historical figures mentioned above there are other stories about segments like how they got into clouded mountains where they met with different creatures some friendly others not so much but all had something special about them also there were stories about how they could change forms just like shapeshifters do today.
And then there are legends like those found in literature books written by famous authors such as Goldsmiths' Guild member named Wei Shi Yaoyuan whose work titled "Tales from Cloudy Mountains" tells us more about segments.
Another legend tells us that when people die their souls go up into clouds where they live forever with other dead people until judgement day comes along then we all get judged based on our actions here on earth.
And lastly let me tell you another legend I heard once before which says that if you eat too much food your body will turn into fat cells so if you want lose weight don't eat too much because eating too much can cause obesity.
Now let me ask you what do you think about these legends? Do any stand out particularly interesting or shocking?