丈夫睡不着,我问他怎么了,丈夫说:“今天老板请我们喝咖啡了。”我说:“你明知道自己喝了咖啡睡不着,干吗还喝?” husband said, “不要钱的东西不喝,一样睡不着。”
husband陪我去看芭蕾舞表演,我发现旁边的人竟然低头睡着了。于是,我推了一下husband:“喂,你看那个男的居然睡着了,太过度了!” husband歪过头对我说:“就为这鸡毛蒜皮的小事把我弄醒,你也够过度的!”
隔邻小两口在打骂,husband想过去劝架,我问他:“人家小两口打骂,你去乱来和什么?” husband said, “I how could not intervene? If we ever fight in the future, no one would come to stop us, can I handle it?”
闺蜜是个韩剧迷,她 husband是个球迷。某天晚上有球赛,她俩因为抢电视机遥控器打起来。她一气之下找我哭诉。我问她,“电视遥控器最后归谁啦?”。她边哭边说,“老王。” 我迷惑道,“这个老王是谁啊?我怎么没据说过。” 她哭的声音更大,“一个修电视机的……”
I told my wife: "I think children are the best gifts from heaven." She asked: "What about me?" I replied: "You're also a gift from heaven."
And when we went shopping for watermelons together, the vendor refused to give us a discount. So I said to him: "How come you only sell one melon for five yuan? My wife is 150 pounds!" The vendor retorted: "Same as your wife - 100 pounds! How come yours is 150?"
In this story of humorous companionship that spans four years of grade school history lessons, our narrator recounts several amusing anecdotes with their spouse and friends. From sharing a spa day where they both glance at another couple's wives to dealing with household chores and disputes over television remote controls during sports games or K-dramas. Through these lighthearted moments of marital banter and playful teasing between couples and friends, this tale captures the humor and warmth of everyday life in China.
This narrative showcases how laughter can be found even in mundane situations when shared with loved ones. The characters' quick wit and clever wordplay add layers of depth while maintaining an entertaining tone throughout the story.