

英语名称 | 中文名称 | 描述

Hades | 黑帝斯 | 冥界之王,死亡和矿藏之神。他有一个妻子叫珀耳塞芬,他的象征物包括哈迪斯之匙、黑暗之冠和地狱的三头狗色柏洛斯。虽然他也是克罗诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,也是宙斯的哥哥。

Amphiaraus | 安菲阿剌俄斯 | 七将攻忒拜中的七位英雄之一,在死后成为冥界代表。

Askalaphos | 阿斯卡拉福斯 | 在被得墨忒耳变成猫头鹰之前,是冥界的一位神祇。

Charon | 卡戎 | 是冥王黑帝斯船夫。

Empusa, Erebos, Hecate, Keuthonymos, Cronus, Lamia, Lampads (including Orphne), Makaria (Melinoe), Menoetes (Menoetes), Mormo and Nyx are all figures from the underworld.

Tartaros is the god of Tartarus.

Thanatos is the god of death.

Underworld Judges:

Aiakos: Aiakus was a judge in Hades' court. He was the son of Zeus and Aegina and fathered Perseus and Telamon. He was also known as Aeacus or Aiacides.

Minos: Minos was a king of Crete who ruled alongside his brother Rhadamanthus. He served as one of three judges in Hades' court to determine which souls would be sent to Tartarus for punishment or allowed to enter Asphodel Meadows or Elysium based on their deeds during life.

Rhadamanthys: Rhadamanthus was another judge in Hades' court with Minos. He had been made immortal by Zeus before being appointed as a judge.

River Gods:

Akheron: Akharon was known as the river Painful River.

Cocytus: Cocytus means "weeping" and is often depicted as an icy cold river that flows through Tartarus where those who have committed evil acts were punished for eternity.

Lethe: Lethe means "forgetfulness" and is often depicted as a river that flows through the underworld where souls forget their past lives before being reincarnated into new bodies after their time in Asphodel Meadows has passed.

Phlegethon: Phlegethon means "fiery" and is often depicted as a river that flows through Tartarus where those who have committed evil acts were punished for eternity with fire instead of ice like Cocytus

Styx: Styx means "abhorrence" or hatred and is often depicted as an oath-taking river guarded by Charon where gods took oaths never to break them again lest they face divine wrath

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