






二战时,人称“蛮牛哈尔西”的美国海军五星上将哈尔西,在其传记中有一段很有趣的记忆。Japanese soldiers surrendering with swords drawn, a scene that has become synonymous with the country's military culture. The decision to allow Japanese officers to retain their swords during the surrender was made by General MacArthur, who wanted to show respect for the enemy's traditions.

However, this gesture was not appreciated by everyone. As Admiral Halsey recalled in his memoirs, he had argued against allowing the Japanese officers to keep their swords, saying it was inappropriate given the circumstances of Japan's defeat.

The issue of whether or not to allow Japanese soldiers to keep their swords during the surrender is a complex one. On one hand, it can be seen as a symbol of respect for Japan's cultural heritage and tradition. On the other hand, it can also be seen as a reminder of Japan's aggressive past and its failure to fully acknowledge its responsibility for starting World War II.

In any case, the decision not to allow Japanese soldiers

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